
This interdisciplinary day, organized on the initiative of the Scientific Advisory Board of Sorbonne University's Life Sciences UFR, aims to highlight research and teaching in biology at the frontiers of major disciplines such as immunology, neuroscience and oncology. Sorbonne Université stands out for its excellence in these fields, thanks to the research activities spread across its various campuses and institutes, as well as the quality of the teaching provided in the Health and Life Sciences UFRs.

Aimed at Sorbonne University's teachers, researchers and students, this day aims to stimulate exchanges within our community, identify new synergies and reflect on future pedagogical needs..


La Biologie aux interfaces : de la recherche fondamentale aux évolutions thérapeutiques

 8h30              Accueil

9h00              Introduction

9H05             Session 1 : Immuno-oncology

9H05               Isabelle Cremer (CRC) General presentation

9H10               Alexandre Boissonnas (CIMI)

9H40               Lubka Roumenina (CRC)

10H10             Jonathan Pol (CRC)

 10H40          Coffee break and posters

 11H10          Humanités Médicales          

Renaud Debailly(Gemass) & Juliette Froger-Lefebvre (Cermes3) : Génétique et évolutions thérapeutiques: entre économie des promesses et travail des

11H35           Enseignement aux Interfaces à Sorbonne Université

 Bertrand Bellier (CRSA) : Parcours Master BIP en Neuro-immunologie

 Romain Cohen (CRSA): Programme doctoral interdisciplinaire en cancérologie

 12H00          Lunch and posters

 13H45          Session 2 : Neuro-oncology

13H45             Emmanuelle Huillard (ICM) General presentation

13H50             Fanny Mann (IBDM, Marseille)

14H20             Elias El-Habr (IBPS)

14H50             Mathieu Peyre (ICM)

15H20             Franck Bielle (ICM)

15H50           Coffee break and posters

16H15           Session 3 : Neuro-immunology

16H15             Anne Roumier (IFM) General presentation

16H20             Corentin Le Magueresse (IFM)

16H50             Cécile Delarasse (IdV)

17H20             Guillaume Dorothée (CRSA)

17H50-18H00           Conclusions




Isabelle Cremer (CRC) and Jean Christophe Poncer (IFM) (co-Présidents du Conseil Scientifique de l’UFR927), Emmanuelle Huillard (ICM), Angélique Gougelet (CRC), Anne Roumier (IFM)

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